Wednesday 2 May 2012

Best practices for meetings, telecons and discussions


I want to put down a few best practices for how we should handle ourselves during meetings, telecons and other work-related discussions.

1. Every meeting should be minuted.
  • For learning sessions, ensure Manisha or Alpesh know beforehand and have the digicam and tripod ready to capture video.
  • Similarly, anything drawn on the whiteboard can be photographed and shared along with the minutes.
  • For meetings outside Trivone House, please get a dictaphone if needed and if it is allowed (most smartphones have voice memo apps which can be used for this purpose).
  • Team leads will be responsible to choose who will minute each meeting before it starts. If necessary, delegate on email.
  • Also clearly list out the action points and who has agreed to do what and by when. This is especially so for client teams that commit to sharing documents, information, etc within a timeframe.
2. Ensure meetings are not interrupted by phone-calls or unrelated discussions.
  • Sticking to the agenda helps you use the meeting's scheduled time efficiently and productively.

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