Tuesday 28 February 2012

Breaks for chai and lunch

All team members from managers to office boys are permitted three breaks during each work day: One fifteen minute break for chai in the mornings (around 11:30am), one 45 minute break for lunch (whenever you wish to take it) and one fifteen minute break for chai in the afternoons. People who work other shifts will have corresponding breaks.

Please note: 
  1. Any other breaks require permission from the Team Lead, even if you're only meeting the client. HR manager and Project Manager to also be kept in loop. 
  2. Team Leads will be responsible if work suffers as a result of giving permission for an unscheduled break to a team member. 
  3. If a team member takes a break longer than the allowed time, team leads may escalate to me. 
  4. If despite repeated escalations (2+), a team member does not change behavior, we will be forced to take disciplinary action. 
posted by paul@trivone.com on 28FEB12

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